Maths > Abelian varieties > Universal vector extensions of abelian varieties
The Hodge filtration and universal vector extensions
Posted by Martin Orr on Friday, 13 June 2014 at 20:10
We will begin this post by looking at the isomorphism between the Hodge filtration
of a complex abelian variety
and the natural filtration
on the tangent space to the universal vector extension of
The significance of this isomorphism is that the Hodge filtration, as we defined it before, is constructed by transcendental methods, valid only over ,
but the universal vector extension is an object of algebraic geometry.
So this gives us an analogue for the Hodge filtration for abelian varieties over any base field.
Furthermore, in the usual way of algebraic geometry, the construction of the universal vector extension can be carried out uniformly in families of abelian varieties.
We will use the construction of the universal vector extension in families to show that “the Hodge filtration varies algebraically in families.”
We will first have to explain what this statement means.
We will also mention briefly why does not vary algebraically.
A note on the general philosophy of this post: the usual construction of an algebraic-geometric object isomorphic to the Hodge filtration uses de Rham cohomology, which works for of an arbitrary smooth projective variety.
My aim in using universal vector extensions is to give an ad hoc construction of de Rham (co)homology, valid only for
of an abelian variety, requiring less sophisticated technology than the general construction.
This fits with previous discussion on this blog of the Hodge structure on
, constructed via the exponential map from the tangent space of
, and of the
, constructed as the Tate module.
The universal vector extension and the Hodge filtration
Let be a complex abelian variety and let
be its universal vector extension.
Recall that we showed last time that
Now there are canonical isomorphisms
which map
(the subspace of
on which the two actions of
agree) and
(the subspace on which these two actions are complex conjugate).
Hence, looking at the tangent spaces of (*), we get canonically isomorphic short exact sequences:
In particular, we get a purely algebraic-geometric construction of a filtered complex vector space
which is canonically isomorphic to the Hodge filtration
Note that there is no natural construction of the subspace (rather than quotient) of
which corresponds to
under this isomorphism.
How does the Hodge filtration vary in families?
Let be an algebraic family of complex abelian varieties – that is,
is a smooth proper morphism of complex algebraic varieties with irreducible fibres, and we are implicitly given morphisms of
which satisfy the axioms for a group law.
It follows that each fibre
is an abelian variety.
What does it mean to say “the Hodge filtration of varies algebraically”?
The idea of a family of vector spaces varying algebraically over is captured by the notion of an (algebraic) vector bundle (these are defined as in the Wikipedia article, except that we are working in the category of complex algebraic varieties instead of topological spaces, and that our vector spaces are over
instead of over
We can break down the statement that the Hodge filtration varies algebraically into two parts, looking at the two parts of the filtration:
Theorem 1. There are sensible choices of a vector bundle
and of isomorphisms of vector spaces
for each point
Theorem 2. There is a vector subbundle
such that
for each point
I will be vague about what “sensible choices” means in Theorem 1.
It basically means that and
should be functorial with respect to morphisms of families over
and to changes of the base
Let us quickly note one non-sensible choice: we could take the constant vector bundle .
There exist isomorphisms
for each
, simply because these are vector spaces of the same dimension, but there are no natural (functorial) choices of such isomorphisms.
The Hodge decomposition does not vary algebraically
Let us note that Theorem 2 does not apply to .
This can be stated informally as “the Hodge decomposition does not vary algebraically”, where the Hodge decomposition means the pair of subspaces
Theorem 3. There is NOT a vector subbundle
such that
for each point
I will not prove Theorem 3, but here is an indication of why it is true.
The key point is that is the complex conjugate of
The complex conjugate of an algebraic vector subbundle cannot itself be an algebraic vector subbundle unless it is a locally constant subbundle.
This ultimately reduces to the fact that a function (for
an algebraic variety) and its complex conjugate
cannot both be algebraic, unless
is constant.
And the Hodge filtration is not locally constant unless the family is locally trivial.
The universal vector extension in families
In order to prove Theorems 1 and 2 by using the comparison between the tangent space of the universal vector extension and the Hodge filtration, we need to be able to construct the universal vector extension of a family of abelian varieties.
Given a family of abelian varieties , we define an extension of
by a vector bundle
to be a short exact sequence of group varieties over
A universal vector extension of
can be defined in the same way as before.
Let us suppose first that is affine and that the relative tangent sheaf
of the dual famiily of abelian varieties is free.
In this case we can generalise the approach of the previous two posts to construct the universal vector extension.
We need affineness of to obtain canonical isomorphisms
via the classification of principal
-bundles on
More precisely, affineness ensures that
(for open subsets
) form a sheaf, and that the zero section
can be lifted to every principal
-bundle on
We need the condition that is free in order to choose a basis of global sections for
Now consider an arbitary base variety .
The smooothness of
implies that the
is locally free, and so we can cover
by open sets on which the above argument applies.
We can use the uniqueness properties of vector extensions to glue together the universal vector extensions obtained on each set in the cover, and obtain a universal vector extension of
The Hodge filtration in families
Taking the relative tangent bundles of the above sequence, pulled back along the zero sections, gives a filtered complex vector bundle on
The fibres of this filtration at are
which we already know is canonically isomorphic to the Hodge filtration
Hence we have proved Theorems 1 and 2: the Hodge filtration of varies algebraically.